Thursday, 10 June 2010

Bring me sunshine...

Todays post is in the spirit of a raindance, although the last thing we need right now is rain, we've got plenty of that right now. Outside is grey and dismal and I cant believe its almost midsummer, so here are some pics of our first midsummer up here. Maybe if I focus on them enough the sun will come out again!!!

We even got to our local beach and went in the water. Not bad for a bunch of townies.

The kids got their first real taste of digging in the sand...and got a bit carried away...

I dont think we can still quite believe that we live so close to the sea. I know we're so lucky to be able to play on the beach without a long haul bank holiday drive and maybe a few more rainy days is the price we pay for it.

Also on the plus side I havent had to do any watering today apart from in the green houses. You do look a bit weird walking down the garden with a watering can in a downpour but needs must when there are tomatoes at stake!


  1. One of the cutest mermaids I've seen in a while.

  2. I am in love with your little mermaid!


I lovelovelove your comments and I read everyone. I might not always get round to replying but I will try my best to...girlguide promise x