Has spring really sprung? The signs in the garden all suggest so, I still have hellebores flowering...

And Muscari popping out all over the place...

The muddy brown palette of the past months has begun to be replaced by the acid greens that should shout springtime...

But if like me you were gardening today in hail and snow - yes snow! Then you'd understand why I'm a little confused. Its still so cold here in East Yorkshire that I'm way behind on all my usual garden jobs, so today it was an early start to get things done...
I dug and weeded beds...

And then I sowed,

And sowed,

And sowed!

I also sowed snowball turnips, oriental salad leaves, squashes, coriander, dill, radishes, little bear squashes,calendula, lisanthus and chinese lanterns...phew!
The Marys and the Mitfords were desperate to get amongst the seeds,

But Arthur had other plans and whilst my back was turned tried a little digging of his own...

The monkey!
Of course now Im finished for the day the weather has cheered up and the sun is shining. But as the next task is to clear up the main greenhouse ( a chore i'm dreading - note the poor bird that knocked itself out in there)

then I'll call it a day! Back to work tomorrow...
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