Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Back to the home front...

It was a long drive home from London yesterday, with some very tired little ones...

I think the hood was to drown out her brothers singing! We had an amazing time in London but there's nothing quite like coming home...especially when these greet you...

And these...

and even these...

I think my garden must be shy as it always waits till we're away to burst into flower! Every time I look away something else happens- dare I go away again? who knows what will happen!

The peas and lettuces which have been struggling have put on more growth in the past three days than in the last month!

Unfortunately so have the weeds - oh well, they're a good excuse for a morning out doors - the laundry can wait...

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Brothers and sisters :)

    Your lupin colours are fantastic, Ihave some growign too - they are more pink.

    The sun has come out, so we've been pottering in the garden too - doing a little weeding and a some laundry!

  2. Hoods all round next time! 225 miles of twinkle twinkle little star is enough for anyone!

  3. The hood is so cute. It is always nice to come home after a trip even if it means laundry and weeding.

  4. Brilliant pictures. Glad you had such a great time. x

  5. Well better than 'the pumpkin mash, it was a grave yard smash'! ;-)

  6. You only have to turn your back and everything puts on a growth spurt at this time of year, especially the weeds. My Meadow Cranesbill just came in to flower yesterday but my lupins have been flowering for a while. We're immune to singing here, we hear it so often from my daughter, none stop.


I lovelovelove your comments and I read everyone. I might not always get round to replying but I will try my best to...girlguide promise x