Sunday, 6 March 2011

Shopping for essentials...

 Driffield Farmers market this weekend and I promised and solemnly swore that I was only going to be shopping for essentials. I think you'll agree its hard to call these 'non essential' items...

I assuaged my guilt at buying non essentials by buying one as a treat for all the Freerangers - including me of course. Funnily enough nobody mentioned them being extra to the shopping list when I unwrapped this booty...

The creator of these fine treats lives in our local town, so I can feel good about buying local too - who knew chocolates could be so worthy! I placed an order for Easter but no pics of those - little Freerangers might be watching! I'm particularly fond of the strawberry topped chocolate, hint hint BH!

I'm glad to say we did get our essentials too, so the Freerange house wont be starving, but for now my heart belongs to the cocoa!


  1. Mmmmmm they all look so yummy. Could just indulge into anyone of those right now. Hope you enjoyed them.

  2. Those treats look delicious. I would be tempted to call those essentials.

  3. Those are beautiful sweets! Of course, they are essential!

  4. They look wonderful, I bet they tasted delish.

  5. Still waiting for our farmer's market to start up for the season...these look tempting!


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