Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The road to recovery...

Thank you everyone who wished us well. I am very pleased to say that BH is up and moving. It was either that or he was beginning to run the risk of being hoovered by me or having Lego built on him by mini freerangers! He has damaged his back in the past and so these old war wounds tend to flare up from time to time - especially when he moves skips around ( I have to remind him he's not Superman or the Hulk!) We've done Osteopaths and Chiropractors, he's had Chinese ladies sticking needles in him and bruising him with hot suction cups and attended Pilates with the most flexible grandmothers on the planet - but still the back goes! So we're trying a new tack, the no cake for a while diet plan (well we couldn't no cake ever!)

This is the plan...
Inspired by Mrs Nesbitts health kick over on her blog, were going to go for it and see if it makes a difference. I don't know if I can stay away from the oven though, so healthy, low fat, high taste recipes would be much appreciated!

I need to build my own back strength if I'm going to get all the bulbs planted in the garden for next year. The 80 allium bulbs I preordered at Chelsea Flower show arrived this week and its a race against time to get them in. I didn't get much in last year and come spring I was looking longingly at the early colour in other peoples gardens - never again! We've planted forsythia, aubretia, daffs and tulips and now alliums, lots of 'em! I even got round to planting some indoor bulbs ready for Christmas, but it seems they couldn't wait...these paperwhite narcissi burst open over the weekend and have filled the kitchen with a lovely smell.

and thank goodness they do smell nice as Ive got a large bowl of onions soaking in brine ready to pickle, and blimey do they whiff, but more of those tomorrow... 


  1. Just found your blog - love the blackboard - if you don't mind I'll be adding you - thank you for the lovely photos............and good luck with the planting!

  2. I bet your house smells wonderful with those paperwhite's in flower. Glad to hear that BH is on the mend. My dad has suffered with his back for as long as I can remember and has never found anything to remedy it except for rest. As for planting bulbs, that's back breaking work.

  3. I have a couple of friends with wheat allergies and when they overindilge in wheat products they have muscle pains or stomach cramps.

  4. That picture of daddy, complete with muscles, is awesome. So good luck with the no cake philosophy.

  5. I love your blackboard! :D And the narcissi are beautiful. I had to buy a bunch of flowers this week to remind myself what flowers look like.

    Thank you for commenting on my blog, too <3

  6. The paperwhite narcissi looks lovely. I bet your kitchen looks wonderful with flowers!


I lovelovelove your comments and I read everyone. I might not always get round to replying but I will try my best to...girlguide promise x