So I came home on Friday night sneezing and by the time the kids were in bed I was coughing and wheezing up a storm. Whoever invented the phrase 'manflu' hasn't met me - by bedtime I was convinced I was dying!
I fully intended to wallow under the duvet for the weekend until we realised that Saturday was Malton Food Festival. There was nothing else for it - a double dose of medicine and a woolly jumper and we hit the road...

As did everyone else - it was packed! Not surprisingly though as the produce on offer was amazing...
We bought some delicious Provolone...

Cakes and brownies...

And caught up on some of the demonstrations by visiting food writers...

We caught a bit of Tom parker Bowles and Matthew Fort cooking mackerel and eating Pork scratchings...

It was standing room only, but to be honest it was a great atmosphere with no one pushing or shoving so nobody minded.
After all that hard shopping some refreshments were called for - and there were plenty to choose from...

I had strawberry cider which i could barely taste because of the cold, but i figured as it was the colour of medicine it must be doing me some good!

The minis loved it - especially the chocolate fountain...

We brought back our haul..

The pork scratchings are Pony girls - she loves 'em. The passionfruit curd is most definitely mine!all that was left to was to come home and start sneezing again - anyone got a tissue?
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