Saturday, 4 February 2012

White stuff...


It's very light but it's here! The Minifreerangers are looking longingly at their sledges and right now there is no way near enough... But it's a start right? And a good excuse to throw another log on the fire - thats if we can get anwhere near it...

These two have staked their claim...

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Looks like a great day in by the fire.
    Yea, snow!

  2. No snow here (yet). Hope you get enough to go sledging.

  3. I too, have spent the day in front of the fire, bliss!!

  4. Our doggy visitor likes to be warm too! Best place really but lots of wet paws when they come in from a quick dash into the garden!

  5. Yeah I betits a different story now!?!?

  6. Ha you're not kidding! I'd check out the window but I can't see for snow!!! How is it with you?


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