I bought plenty of stewed apple at our village Christmas fair for the freezer, so that came out and went towards a Spiced Apple Breakfast Bundt Cake...

I got this recipe from 'Passionate Vegetarian' I'm not veggie but I've been carting this book around with me since my student days as everything I've ever tried out of it is a winner.
We couldn't wait till breakfast though...

Its very dense and moist, half pudding, half cake really. I don't know if i could go to work on a slice of it though - i think i'd need a mid morning nap!
The other reason for hiding out in the kitchen this weekend is the continuing schedule of work going on in the rest of the house. Walls continue to be knocked about, dust continues to fall,so this weekend the kitchen has been my sanctuary, and here it is...

Trust me it doesn't usually look this tidy but as I said there's nowhere else to run to! I've been playing around with furniture this weekend and brought my retro kitchen cupboard back in from the cold

I love it - it was a birthday present from BH but its always needed a repaint. I'm thinking of brightening it up with some colour...any ideas?
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