Sunday, 5 August 2012

Blame it on the Olympics...

I could blame it on the rain, the endless weeks of dreary drizzle. I could blame it on the workload, the schedule or even the building work - there's always the building work... But no- the reason why my garden is running to ruin is that I am totally hooked on the Olympics...

Weeds so high I can't even see where my crops were...peas turned to pigeon food... And I even managed to miss the arrival of my first ever globe artichoke...

But I can't say I'm sorry... I'm completely hooked! I stepped away from the action for two hours yesterday and we got another two gold medals! Needless to say last night the whole tribe cheered Jessica Ennis and Mo Farah every step of the way and while we were watching that we went and go another gold in the long jump!

So today it's Olympic weeding for me...I'm expected to medal but may fail the doping test due to traces of back ache painkillers...I must just have to down tools for the tennis- just for a bit-promise...

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  1. Oh dear - have to say fortunately we're not hooked!

  2. I still haven't put my carrots and leeks in like Monty told me a couple of weeks ago on GW. Hope you are watching the Tennis - looks like Andy might just get a gold!

  3. Olympics are a special life event which gives a pass for garden weeds. Our family has been watching too-so exciting.

    London did a great job hosting the summer olympics.


  4. I'm not so hooked to the Olympics, but getting bits and pieces here and there.

  5. I'm not normally a fan of the Olympics, but this time I have been drawn in - and I, too, am finding it completely addictive. Everything else is being fitted in at top speed, or around the edges.

    I wore my gauntlets yesterday and pulled out giant nettles which had sprung up overnight, or so it seemed... they had their revenge!

  6. Hurray! You're back - just in time for the holidays eh? lol!


I lovelovelove your comments and I read everyone. I might not always get round to replying but I will try my best to...girlguide promise x