Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Easter Feasting...

Just before it gets wiped away let me share with you our Easter feast that was...
I was too busy cooking and serving at the time to photograph it all, and most of it was munched before the camera came out - but we did get a picture of Ponygirls birthday cake - she has an Easter Birthday so there's no shortage of chocolate!
What the camera doesn't pick up is the sparkly glitter  - or the chocolate popping candy sprinkles - or the birthday ready to sink her teeth into it! Happy Birthday Ponygirl!


  1. Ooooooh pretty cake! I love your fancy chalk board,it looks as though it should be in a gallery. tatty kitchen would NOT do it justice!
    Jane x

  2. Chocolate cake is the most perfect cake for b days....


  3. So nice to have you visit! I just love your menu board and your writing and art work on it make it even better. Sounds like a fabulous feast. What a fun cake and I am sure the bling made it even more wonderful for the birthday girl!


I lovelovelove your comments and I read everyone. I might not always get round to replying but I will try my best to...girlguide promise x