Sunday, 31 July 2011

A walk in the park...

Today we packed up the Freerangers, Citygirl and the dogs and headed out for a proper grand day out. The rules were it had to be free, fun for everyone
and stand a good chance of tiring out children and animals. Yorkshire Sculpture Park fit the bill on all counts...

We had the awesome...

The magical...

The weird...

And the wonderful Henry Moore collection...

The special exhibition was by an artist called Jaume Plensa and the amazing mesh heads caught our eye...and eerily seemed to look upon us wherever we went!

The Minifreerangers loved these huge sculptures made of letters...

And the treepeople... I could do with some of these around my Hollyhocks to keep them upright!

We walked's amazing how far kids will walk when they've got something to look at!

And finally, at last, we achieved what I thought was impossible... Pearl and Arthur tired out!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Wildflower walk...

I kept meaning to photograph the fields while they were ablaze with poppies but kept forgetting the camera or being in a rush in the car. However, I quite like flowers which have outlived them - just waiting for their moment...

And the bees agree...

Now I just need to take my observer book of flowers with me to find out what they are!

We had a good long walk beyond the village which you can see in the distance. Every time I bring the dogs up here I tell myself I will do it daily before work; there's something energising about all that sky...

But of course its like going to the gym - the hardest part is dragging yourself out of bed to do it. Not for these two though...

The hardest part is keeping up with them! No chance of a face on close up... Just bottoms in the distance!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Schools out for summer...

Its taken some time, some sleep, sunshine and perhaps a glass or two of wine, but I finally feel like the last term is behind me and I can finally put my holiday head on - Hurrah! The first few days of the summer holidays are usually spent attempting to scale the cleaning mountain that has been allowed to build up on the last few weeks of term and taming the garden that was so meticulously planned back in January and which has gone wild in the few weeks when I take my eye off the ball. But today all that changed and we took a trip to the beach....just sandcastles, ice lollies and we could have been anywhere in the world, we just happened to be in Yorkshire...

We have so many wonderful beaches here, we really are spoilt for choice. Today we visited Hunmanby Gap where there are tremendous views of Bempton Cliffs. Its a great clean beach where we can always find a good spot, no matter how busy it is...and its got great sand for digging in...

So now the summer plan goes like this - beach, garden, odd day work, absolutely no work! I do intend to take a break from my hectic garden and beach schedule to blog, cook and have a week in the South of France (do you like how I just dropped that in as though I'm not beside myself with excitement, which I totally I am), but the golden rule work, just mum time...see, I feel better already...